

The Columbarium of the Catholic Church of Saint James provides perpetual care in "consecrated ground" for the eternal rest of registered parishioners of any Catholic church of the Diocese of Charleston. The Bishop has authorized its use by non-Catholic spouses of registered parishioners.

The "honeycombs" of the columbarium contain 48 niches, 24 on each side. A niche measures 12 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches and can hold the cremated remains ("cremains") of two people. The total, one-time cost for a niche, including all engraving of the face plate, is only $3900. The cost of the urn(s) is not included and must be arranged separately by the family with a funeral director who should be informed of the 12 " x 12 " x 12" dimensions of the niche and the fact that two cremains will ultimately be placed in the one niche.

A time payment plan is available. The $3900 can be paid off in 3 years. Any single payment must be at least $200. The niche may not be used until it is paid off in full. Payments must be clearly marked and put into the collection basket, dropped off at Administration Office, or mailed to 1071 Academy Drive, Conway, SC 29526, Attn: Paula.

No parish money, no Sunday collections, and no diocesan money are used for the columbarium. Its construction and upkeep come solely and exclusively from the sale of niches.

The Diocese of Charleston (and not parish) Regulations govern all aspects of columbarium use.

One Time Payment Form