
Baptism is the primary Sacrament of Initiation.  Baptism initiates and incorporates us into the Body of Christ, the Church.  Through its waters, we are remade into a new creation and become children of God and temples of the Holy Spirit.  Original sin is forgiven and grace is given to us from God enabling us to believe, to hope, and to love.

It is the tradition within the Roman Catholic Church to baptize infants.  Parents present their children for baptism, and with that, profess a willingness to raise the children with gospel faith.  Baptismal preparation is essential because having a child baptized comes with tremendous responsibilities. Children must be nurtured in the faith and learn fundamental Catholic teachings and values in the home. The entire parish community also takes on the responsibility of helping to develop and safeguard the gift of God's life given in baptism.

Adults who desire to be baptized enter into the RCIA process.  Usually at the Easter Vigil celebration they are baptized and experience the other Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation).

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is very powerful because it frees us from sin and grants us grace.  Reconciliation is the sacrament used for the forgiveness of sins committed after baptism.  The story of the Prodigal Son reflects our attitudes about forgiveness and how important it is to our church family to admit to our wrongdoing and ask for forgiveness.  The power of forgiving sin belongs only to God, but He uses priests as His tool and through Reconciliation, Christ wipes "the slate clean" and your soul is pure once more.  According to Church Law, Catholics should go to Reconciliation at least once a year, preferably during Lent.  The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in a parish gathering during both Advent and Lent, and daily after morning Mass,Saturdays at 3:15pm, and Sundays at 11am.

Communion is the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  We, as Catholics, believe that the Body and Blood of Christ are present during the Mass in the form of bread and wine. Communion is a sacrament that is shared through the church body - we become one with Christ and share the meal in faith.  Catholics should take Communion with a clean heart.  Reconciliation is the first step on your way to receiving the Eucharist.  Only with a soul free from sin, should a person take Communion.  Communion is a way of celebrating the sacrifice of Christ and becoming a part of the gift of life that He gave to us.  We celebrate Communion as a church family and tell the story of our faith.  At Mass, we remember the history of Jesus's sacrifice and we are nourished with the Body and Blood of Christ.

First Reconciliation and First Communion: Our second-grade religious education students celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist each year in May.  The children prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion in grade two.   Many times we have older students that have not yet received First Reconciliation or First Eucharist, and in those cases the students attend supplemental classes to prepare themselves.  These students learn that they are welcome at the "family table", the special miracle we celebrate at each Mass.  They discover the sacrifice Jesus made for them and embrace God's love for us each time they attend Mass.

El Sacramento de la Confirmación es otro sacramento de iniciación en la Iglesia Católica.  Cuando uno recibe el Sacramento de la Confirmación, uno es ungido con aceite sagrado y se enriquece con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo.  La confirmación completa la gracia del Bautismo y crea en cada persona la capacidad de actuar como un verdadero testimonio de Cristo.  La confirmación permite a cada persona estar más profundamente conectada con Dios, nos une con Cristo, nos permite buscar y compartir los dones que nos otorga el Espíritu Santo y perfecciona nuestros lazos con la Iglesia.  Nos convertimos en testigos del amor y la misericordia de Dios y de los defensores de la fe.  Al igual que el Bautismo, (que la Confirmación completa), la Confirmación sólo se da una vez, e imparte una marca espiritual indeleble sobre el alma, un signo de que Cristo nos ha marcado como suyos y nos da la fuerza y la gracia para dar testimonio de nuestra fe.

Holy Matrimony is the "covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring”. It is celebrated at St. James according to the guidelines of the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Charleston. We ask all couples contemplating marriage to contact Paula Loehr in the parish office at 843-347-5168 at least six months prior to the wedding date. Couples will participate in our FOCCUS preparation program by taking a couples' inventory and then meeting with a mentor couple for several sessions. Once you have contacted Paula Loehr, you will be informed of the necessary steps and documentation needed. For our Wedding Guidelines, click here.

The Diocesan Vocations Office is one part of the overall diocesan mission to spread the kingdom of God. The purpose of the Vocations Office is to accompany and encourage members of the Church in finding their vocations, as well as to assess applicants for the priesthood and Religious life. The Vicar and Director of Vocations is Fr. Matthew Gray.

Diocesan Vocations Office Website


This is the proper name for what is sometimes mistakenly called “Last Rites” or “Extreme Unction.” It is meant for anyone who has a serious illness, is facing surgery, or even is dealing with the effects of old age. It should not be limited to the dying. As the Letter of James says clearly, “Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church, and let the priests pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord...” It is a sacrament of healing for spirit, mind and often body. It is administered at a monthly Mass, usually on the first Monday, and anytime on request.