So, what IS youth ministry?
Youth ministry at St. James serves young people in grades 6-12, as well as their families. In line with the parish mission and vision, we are focused on helping young people become joyful, lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. How do we do this? By growing a community of youth who are equipped to answer and respond to their baptismal call.
We believe that when a teenager encounters Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture. We desire to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic Church.
Young people have a unique zeal for justice, faith, and the love of the Gospel, longing for truth and purpose, challenging convention and the status quo, and inspiring innovation and action. They inject a contagious energy into their societal and ecclesial communities and set hearts on fire. The Church cannot ignore youth for they are active witnesses to the love of Jesus Christ in the world today. As Pope Francis tells us, "Each young person's heart should thus be considered 'holy ground,' a bearer of seeds of divine life, before which we must 'take off our shoes; in order to draw near and enter more deeply into the Mystery." (Christus Vivit 67)." (USCCB)

High School Youth Ministry (grades 9-12)
Our high school youth ministry meets every Wednesday from 6-8 PM in the youth room. Dinner is included! Meeting activities include food, games, discussions, faith-based lessons, Adoration, meditation, prayer, music, and much more! Outside of our regular weekly meetings, we participate in a variety of activities including (but not limited) to, Diocesan retreats, Pro-Life activities, service projects, social outings, and much more!
Middle School Youth Ministry (grades 6-8)
Meeting activities include food, games, discussions, faith-based lessons, Adoration, meditation, prayer, music, and much more! Outside of our regular weekly meetings, we participate in a variety of activities including (but not limited) to, Diocesan retreats, Pro-Life activities, service projects, social outings, and much more!

Meet our youth minister, Taylor Lilly!
I consider myself a product of the wondeful Eucharistic community of St. James, having been here since I was just 8 years old. I am blessed and honored to walk alongside young people in their faith journeys!! I aspire to love, serve, and encourage youth in all aspects of life, but most importantly, in their faith in Jesus Christ. I love all things Jesus, the Catholic faith, Disney, and thrifting/antiquing. My patron saint is St. Jude, and I call on him a lot as a lost cause myself! If we haven't met yet, I can't wait to meet you! If we have met, I am so grateful you are in my life! Praise God for His infinite goodness!!!
(843) 347-5168, ext. 235
Peer Ministry

At St. James, we have a peer ministry team, consisting of high-school aged youth who participate in formation so that they can serve their peers in youth ministry. These young people have shown a great desire to serve the Lord and, through the youth ministry office, are being formed to do so. The peer ministry team works in conjunction with the youth minister and Core Team to plan, organize, and lead youth ministry activities.